There are many organizations that help you obtain specialized skills. However, be mindful of scams that say they will pay for you to get training or go to college. Do not give any personal information unless you are sure it is a reputable organization. Some reputable organizations are listed below.
Washington State
Ada offers a free 11-month coding academy for women who are permanent residents.
A restaurant, food work culinary training program offering a $100 dollar a week stipend during eight weeks of virtual training with one-on-one advising for job assistance. Many refugee women have found entry level jobs with food preparation.
Career training centers for forklift operators, warehouse workers, and computer training programs.
Pathways to full time jobs in healthcare, trades, and maritime in the Puget Sound area (which covers King, Snohomish, Pierce and several other counties.)
Offering free business and tech training followed by internship placement with hopes of a full-time career in particular fields dependent on zip code.
King County
Coding apprenticeship for careers in computer sciences. Note: requires an assessment and application process.
Evergreen Goodwill offers free classes on ESL, computer and digital literacy, and work readiness.
MAPS-SBRN (Small Business Resiliency Network)
The Small Business Resiliency Network at the Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS-SBRN) provides support to new businesses and small business owners, including immigrants and refugees. If you have your own business or want to start your own business, you can contact MAPS-SBRN for help.
- Tip: You can email or contact Gul Siddiqi, Program Manager, at
Training for the technology sector with employer matching at the end of the program.
Offering culinary skills apprenticeship program with ESL, classroom, and kitchen classes. Project Feast offers regular programs for refugees, including specifically for Afghans, and offers a stipend as well as help starting your own culinary business.
Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
Offering free information technology training for Amazon Web Services.
Offering free online training programs which can lead to apprenticeships, internships, and full time employment.