How to Get Free & Low-Cost Furniture
Thrift stores, used furniture banks, and charities are the best place to start when looking for affordable furniture for your home. Large retail stores and online retailers also sell furniture and household items, but the prices will often be higher than at thrift stores. There are online neighborhood networks that share furniture, and online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace that sell furniture.
Tip: Many programs offering free or low-cost furniture require referrals from caseworkers or charity organizations. The DSHS resource webpage Welcoming Afghans to Washington State is the best point of contact for getting or identifying a case worker or connecting clients to service providers.
Types of Stores
Used Furniture Banks
Furniture banks offer used furniture in good condition for very low prices. They often require referrals from resettlement case workers or charities and ask clients to make appointments before going to their stores.
Thrift Stores
Thrift stores offer a variety of items at discounted prices. Furniture, appliances, or clothing at these stores is previously owned (not new) but are in good condition. Customers do have to purchase the items, but they are less expensive than new products.
Retail Stores
Affordable retail stores offer new items at affordable prices. Customers can buy groceries, furniture, cleaning products, clothing, and appliances at one store.
Where to start: Resources Specific to Afghan Refugees
Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC)
The MCRC in Redmond has free, high-quality, secondhand furniture.
Call 1-888-404-6272 to make an appointment to pick up furniture.
Address: 16225 NE 87th Street Suite # A-4
Redmond, WA 98052
Call 1-888-404-6272 to make an appointment.
Point of contact: Case Manager – Mustafa Haji
Furniture Coordinator – Fareeda Khojandi, 206-519-7885