This page has the following resources to help you with King County School District Information in Washington

- Seattle Public Schools
- School List
- Find your child’s school and where they should be attending based on where you live in the district map.
- “Every Seattle Public Schools student is assigned to their attendance area school based on where they live. Families can also apply to request that their student attend a different school through the Open Enrollment for School Choice Process.”
- School Choice Form
- New students must first register on the Admissions page before participating in School Choice.
- All Seattle Public Schools choice assignments are subject to space availability. Submitting this form does not guarantee an assignment.
- Please review the Linked School Charts as some programs or support services may not be offered at your preferred school.
- School Choice Process
- If there are more applications than seats available for a particular school and grade, then certain tiebreakers are used to determine assignment and waitlist status.
- K-12 students may transfer to their attendance area school after Open Enrollment through May 31, as long as the services the student needs are available at that school. Transfers to their previously assigned choice school is not guaranteed and requires a new School Choice Form subject to availability or placed at the bottom of the waitlist.
- Students who apply for and receive a choice assignment will receive a new assignment to that choice school (or program). Students with a choice assignment will be continued at that school through the highest grade served, as long as the school offers the services the student needs.
- School Choice results are available beginning April 18 via Student Assignment Lookup Tool.
- Register your child here
- Things you will need to enroll your student
- Parent/guardian’s Photo ID or Passport
- Two pieces of address verification (dated within the past eight weeks)
- Acceptable verification: current telephone, utility or cable bills; mortgage information; insurance documents; or documents from public agencies such as courts or the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). Lease or rental agreements can be used if you include the first page and the signature page
- Not acceptable: Copies of envelopes are not acceptable for address verification.
- Student’s Certificate of Immunization Status or Certificate of Immunization Exemption. Visit our Immunizations webpage for more details.
- Proof of Student’s Age (students entering kindergarten or 1st grade, or applying to our Special Education Preschool program only): Provide documentation of student age (Birth certificate, hospital records, passport, current DSHS records, or court records are acceptable documents for a child’s birth date.) *Parents/guardians without one of the above documents are advised to contact the Admissions Center prior to enrollment to determine what substitute might be acceptable.
- Things you will need to enroll your student
- School List
- Enrollment Documents
- Family Resources
- Free school lunch
- Get reduced or free school lunch and breakfast for your child.
- Online Application
- Free school lunch
- Bellevue School District
- Register your child here
- What documents are needed to enroll your child?
- Once you have all of these documents filled out you can upload them to this document portal
- Frequently Asked Questions about enrollment
- School List
- Find your child’s school and where they should be attending based on where you live in the district map.
- Free school lunch
- Get reduced or free school lunch and breakfast for your child
- Online Application
- “Families that qualify for Basic Food/SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), TANF, FDPIR, ECEAP, Foster Care, Homeless, or Migrant are automatically enrolled in the school meal program as “Directly Certified” for free meals. Some Medicaid programs through DSHS may directly certify your student for free or reduced priced school meals.”
- If you are directly certified you do not need to fill out an application but you must consent to sharing your families status with the school to receive other reduced payment benefits
- Consent form here
- Register your child here
- Arabic Language Program
- Contact:
- 425-456-4285
- Multilingual Learners Program
- This link provides help contacting the center for multilingual learners and has events, programs, tools, and resources for those students who need translation or other education.
- Immigrant Student Rights
- This is a page that has links and forms that help immigrants know their legal rights and tools to help advocate for yourself and your rights.
- Contact:
- Renton School District
- School List
- Find your child’s school and where they should be attending based on where you live in the district map.
- Register your child
- What will you need to enroll your child in school?
- Documentation of Legal Name and Birth Date. (e.g., a birth certificate; a passport; a religious, hospital, or physician’s certificate showing date of birth; an adoption record; an affidavit from a parent; previously verified school records; or any other documents permitted by law).
- A copy of your student’s shot records/immunization history
- Proof of residence in the form of a lease agreement, mortgage statement or a utility bill. Handwritten leases, phone bills or drivers licenses will not be accepted as proof of residence.
- Documents must reflect your name and residing or servicing address and be dated within 30 days of your application date.
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Photo ID.
- If documents of legal name and birth date, shot records, or photo ID are not available, please contact your students boundary school for further instruction.
- If you are unable to provide a provide a proof of residence please contact Student Services.
- If your family is experiencing homelessness please visit our McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistant site to see what resources may be available to support your student.
- Free School Lunch
- Get reduced or free school lunch and breakfast for your child
- Online Application
- Family Resources
- This page provides links to food assistance, internet assistance, community services, after school care options, and multilingual learners programs.
- What will you need to enroll your child in school?
- School List
- Federal Way School District
- School List
- Find your child’s school and where they should be attending based on where you live in the district map.
- Register your child here
- Here is information/documents you’ll need to register:
- Address verification documentation
- Immunization records
- Emergency and medical contact information
- Age verification documentation
- Previous education experience (transcript)
- Special Education support documentation (IEP)
- Steps to register:
- Visit
- If you’re new to Federal Way Public Schools, on the log-in page, under “more options,” choose “create a new account”
- You will be asked the three questions to ensure parent records aren’t duplicated, then provided the privacy statement
- Once you’ve accepted the privacy statement, you will be asked to provide your first and last name and your email address
- You have now created your account, and you will receive an email prompting you to complete the account activation process
- Click on the link within the email and follow the prompts to set your user name and password
- Once logged in, select “begin process” to get started
- Begin with “Family.” — complete the required fields in each module on the left-hand side — all required fields will be indicated with a red asterisk
- Additional parents and guardians can be added by clicking “add new”
- Select “Add Student” to enter student information — all scholars need to be added prior to submitting the form
- Parents/guardians must view and electronically accept the Rights and Responsibilities handbook with their scholar that they are enrolling
- Review your information and if needed choose the option to make edits or submit —once submitted you will not be able to make any changes until the school completes their step
- Free School Lunch
- Get reduced or free school lunch and breakfast for your child
- Online Application
- Multilingual Services
- Here is information/documents you’ll need to register:
- School List
- Auburn School District
- Find your school
- Register Your Child
- Documents you will need to register your child:
- Proof of residency
- Medically verifiable Immunization Records
- Previous school information which includes:
- Report cards (grades 1-8) or transcripts (grades 9-12) from previous schools
- Withdrawal grades
- Attendance
- Discipline
- For students who receive special services, a copy of their current IEP or 504 Plan and current/recent evaluation.
- Parenting Plans or Court Documents
- For Kindergarten ONLY:
- Students must be five (5) by August 31.
- Proof of Age – Acceptable documents include, but are not limited to: birth certificate, passport, visa, Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Medicaid voucher, baptismal certificate, adoption decree, immunization record, hospital or physician’s certificate. If you are unable to provide a document listed above, please contact your school office to review other alternative documents.
- If you require the registration process to be in another language, please visit our Family Access – Skyward Help page for browser translation instructions. One language that is not available, but commonly needed in Auburn is Marshallese. We encourage our Marshallese speaking parents/guardians to use a Paper Registration Packet since browsers cannot be translated into Marshallese.
■ ALL students in the ASD will receive free Breakfast and Lunch from the fall of 2022 through the 2026 school year. Families do NOT need to complete an application for Free/Reduced School Meal Application.
- Tukwila School District
- Register Your Child
- This page has links to preschool, elementary, middle, and high school enrollment links
- It also has a way to find what school you should enroll in based on your address.
- Enrollment Form
- Documents required to enroll:
- Proof of Age (Birth Certificate, Passport, US Visa, I-94) **Include copy with enrollment packet**
- Legal Guardian ID **Include copy with enrollment packet**
- Immunization Records **Include copy with enrollment packet**
- Verification of Address **Include copy with enrollment packet**
- Approved Verification of Address Documents:
- Mortgage Statement
- Apartment Rental or Lease Agreement
- Puget Sound Energy bill
- Seattle City Light bill
- Waste Management bill
- Republic Services/Allied Waste bill
- Recology CleanScapes bill
- City of Tukwila Water or other water district bill
- Free Lunch
- All first meals will be free during the 2022-2023 school year! There will be a charge if a student chooses to have a second breakfast or lunch. We do ask that all families fill out the 2022-2023 Family Income Survey so we can collect household income information instead of using the Free & Reduced Lunch forms.
- Approved Verification of Address Documents:
- Register Your Child
- Kent School District
- Find Your School
- Register Your Child
- Documents needed to enroll:
- Student Identification & Proof of Age
- Birth certificate, or
- Passport, or
- State identification (ID) card, or
- When a form of legal identification/proof of age is not available, other methods such as physician notes, hospital records, previous school records, or entries in a family bible which includes the student’s name and birthdate can be used.
- Proof of Address
- Lease or purchase agreement, or
- Utility bill (cable, electricity, water, or home telephone) not more than one month old.
- Immunization Record
- A Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) printed from Washington MyIR. Once you create an account on MyIR, you will be able to access the certificate at any time.
- A physical copy of the CIS form with a healthcare provider signature.
- A physical copy of the CIS form with accompanying medical immunization records from a healthcare provider verified and signed by school staff.
- A CIS printed from the Washington State Immunization Information System by the school nurse or other school staff.
- Apply for Free or Reduced Lunch
- Complete an application if any of the following apply:
- Your total household income is the same or less than the amount for your household size in the Household Income Guidelines table below.
- Complete an application if any of the following apply:
- Student Identification & Proof of Age
- Your household receives Basic Food, takes part in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
- You are applying for a foster child that is under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court.
- You received free and reduced-price meals during the last school year.
- Other School district websites in King County
- Enumclaw School District
- Highline School District
- Issaquah School District
- Kent School District
- Lake Washington School District
- Mercer Island School District
- Northshore School DIstrict
- Riverview School District
- Shoreline School District
- Snoqualmie Valley School District
- Tahoma School District
- Vashon Island School District
– All Images by pch.vector on Freepik